Big Red Barn

Big Red Barn

The logo for the Big Red Barn. Picture of the Barn cupola.The Big Red Barn Graduate and Professional Student Center (the Barn), an old carriage house turned student center, is located in the heart of campus and surrounded by lawns and gardens. A central place for eating and relaxing, the Barn hosts more than 500 events per year including trivia night, study/writing breaks, cultural celebrations, and the ever popular T.G.I.F. (Tell Grads It’s Friday). Connect with the Barn on Facebook and Instagram (@brbcornell) to stay up to date on Barn events and community-related news. 


The Big Red Barn was built in the 1870s as the carriage house for the home of Cornell’s first president, Andrew Dickson White. The Barn, one of the oldest structures on campus, was converted to a social center by Cornell alumni in the 1950s and underwent a complete renovation in 1991. Antiques and farm implements recollect the building’s past, while new additions remain faithful to its rustic atmosphere.


The spacious main portion of the building includes a stunning, but cozy, mezzanine. Tables and chairs cluster around a large grass pellet stove creating a warm setting for events. Upstairs mezzanine has lounge furniture for small group gatherings and leisurely study. The sunlit “greenhouse” has additional seating and access to the outdoor patio. It can be closed off for special functions.

In warm weather, a brick patio and outdoor picnic tables surrounded by gardens are available. The first floor of the facility is accessible by ramp.


The Big Red Barn is located behind the A.D. White House and next to the Space Sciences building.