
Graduate study has been a part of the Cornell experience since the founding of the University in 1865. 

Students on Ho Plaza

About the Graduate School

Cornell is one of the first institutions of higher education in the United States to offer advanced degrees, and one of the very first to admit women and African American students. Today, our Graduate School is an intellectually-stimulating, warm, vibrant community of nearly 100 fields of study.

Publications and Reports

Using electronic and printed materials, the Graduate School celebrates and promotes our system of graduate education both internally and externally.

Union Representation

Cornell Graduate Students United (CGSU) and their affiliate union, the United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) filed a petition for representation with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) on September 28, 2023. We created a Union Representation section of our website to address information needs of the Cornell community related to this important issue. 


As a large research institution, Cornell has a variety of offices and resources to help you navigate everything from application to graduation.