Safety and Security Reports

Security on Campus

The law enforcement agency for the Cornell community, Cornell Police is charged with the enforcement of all federal, state, and local laws and the Campus Code of Conduct for the entire campus. Cornell University Police operates 24 hours a day, every day of the year, from G-2 Barton Hall. In an emergency, you can contact Cornell Police by:

Two Cornell University Police Department officers

  • dialing 911 from any campus phone,
  • calling 607-255-1111, or
  • picking up a Blue Light telephone.

For non-emergencies or information, dial 607-255-1111 or pick up a Blue Light telephone.

You can assist the Cornell Police by reporting suspicious activity immediately, making sure your room is locked when it’s unoccupied or when you’re sleeping, and never propping doors open.

Blue Light telephones are located throughout campus and provide direct communication with the Cornell Police. If you need assistance, or in an emergency, pick up the receiver or push the button. Officers will know your location automatically and respond quickly.

Annual Security Report

The Annual Security Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Cornell University; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies and policy statements concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault, and other matters. You can obtain a copy of the Annual Security Report online or by contacting the Chief of Police (607-255-8945).

The Annual Fire Safety Report includes fire safety information for each on-campus student housing facility including fire safety equipment, fire safety policies, and statistics concerning reported fires. The report also includes information about fire safety education and procedures related to fire reporting and evacuation. You may obtain a copy of the Annual Fire Safety Report online or by contacting Environmental Health and Safety 607-255-8200. 

Emergency Notification System

Cornell’s mass emergency notification system is used to alert you when there is a significant emergency or a dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of the university community.

Gorge Safety

While tempting on hot days, swimming in the gorges is extremely dangerous and a serious threat of drowning exists. Many people have died after swimming in the gorges or stepping off designated hiking paths. Swimming in the gorges is prohibited by Chapter 250 of the City of Ithaca code, Peace and Good Order, which states, “No person shall bathe in, swim in, or for the purposes of swimming and/or bathing enter any of the waters within the City of Ithaca except in the waters officially designated as swimming or bathing areas.”

Please read “The Gorges of Cornell, Path and Safety Information.” This brochure provides a path guide and advice for safety precautions while visiting the gorges.

Weather Emergency

In the event of an adverse weather condition such as a blizzard or ice storm, you should check Campus Alerts for status of university operations. Condition updates such as delayed university openings, road closings, and university closings will be available on this site and through subsequent emails and local media as necessary.  

For additional weather information, go to Cornell’s Emergency Services website.

Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Education

The Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Education (SHARE) website provides ready access to reporting, services, support, education, and advocacy related to all forms of sexual misconduct.