Latina/o Studies

Field Description

The Latina/o Studies Program at Cornell offers Latina/o Studies as a minor field in graduate studies. The minor invites any Cornell graduate student interested in Latina/o Studies to craft a program of interdisciplinary study. Faculty expertise spans multiple fields, including anthropology, history, literature, law, sociology, government, education, planning, human development, performance studies, language, and more enabling students to develop a graduate minor that meet their specific interests.
Over the course of their study students will be expected to take two Latina/o Studies graduate or advanced undergraduate (4xxx) courses outside of their major field of study. Other courses not crosslisted with Latina/o Studies may be eligible upon consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies. In lieu of available courses, the student and his or her minor field advisor might design a project that culminates in a paper given at a conference or presented for publication. As per graduate school regulations the Latina/o Studies graduate minor field must be represented on students special committee by a faculty member in the field. 
The requirements will vary according to the student's need and desires in shaping his or her project in consultation with the minor faculty member in Latina/o Studies. Upon completion of the minor and graduate degree requirements, the student will be awarded a LSP Graduate Minor Certificate.
Students interested in the graduate minor should plan to meet with Professor Maria Cristina Garcia, LSP director, and register as an LSP graduate minor in the LSP office, 434 Rockefeller Hall.

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 607 255-3197

434 Rockefeller Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY  14853

Subject and Degrees

Concentrations by Subject

Latina/o Studies

  • Latino studies (minor)


Juan Manuel Aldape Munoz

  • Campus: Ithaca - (Minor Member)
  • Concentrations: Latina/o Studies: Latino studies
  • Research Interests: Performance studies, illegality and citizenship, borderlands studies, critical ethnography, and (Afro)Latinx/Latin American cultural production

Mary Pat Brady

  • Campus: Ithaca
  • Concentrations: Latina/o Studies: Latino studies
  • Research Interests: Chicana and Latino literature, film, and culture; American literature; Critical geography; Queer and critical race theory.

Debra Ann Castillo

  • Campus: Ithaca
  • Concentrations: Latina/o Studies: Latino studies
  • Research Interests: Specializes in contemporary narrative of the Americas, gender studies, and post-colonial literary theory. Among the courses she teaches regularly are Hispanic Theater Production (Teatrotaller), Latin American Women Writers, U.S. Latino Prose, and Hispanic Feminisms.

Ananda Irvena Cohen-Aponte

  • Campus: Ithaca
  • Concentrations: Latina/o Studies: Latino studies
  • Research Interests: Pre-Columbian and colonial Latin American art, the Andes, cross-cultural exchange, visual cultures of colonialism, identity, material culture studies, art and social change, indigeneity, muralism

Maria Fernandez

  • Campus: Ithaca
  • Concentrations: Latina/o Studies: Latino studies
  • Research Interests: History and theory of digital art, with special interest in cybernetics and art in the late 1950’s and 60’s, artificial life art, and the integration of media theory with post colonial and feminist theory, Mexican art and architecture with emphasis on the seventeenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Maria Cristina Garcia

  • Campus: Ithaca
  • Concentrations: Latina/o Studies: Latino studies
  • Research Interests: Refugees and asylum seekers; migration in the Americas; North American Immigration policy; US Immigration history; the US-Mexico border; US-Cuba relations.

Shannon Marie Gleeson

  • Campus: Ithaca
  • Concentrations: Latina/o Studies: Latino studies
  • Research Interests: Low-wage workers, the role of immigrant documentation status, and legal mobilization.

Karen Jaime

  • Campus: Ithaca
  • Concentrations: Latina/o Studies: Latino studies
  • Research Interests: Latina/o studies, critical race theory, queer theory, Puerto Rican diasporas and expressive culture, hip-hop theatre, Nuyorican poetry and performance

Vilma Santiago-Irizarry

  • Campus: Ithaca
  • Concentrations: Latina/o Studies: Latino studies
  • Research Interests: Institutional culture, language, law and medicine, ethnoracial identity, methods, dance and human movement, Latino/as, United States and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean.

Sofia A. Villenas

  • Campus: Ithaca
  • Concentrations: Latina/o Studies: Latino studies
  • Research Interests: Anthropology of education, critical race studies, educational equity and social movement, multiculturalism, Women of Color feminist thought, Latina mothers, narrative, Latina/o diaspora communities; United States.

Helena Maria Viramontes

  • Campus: Ithaca - (Minor Member)
  • Concentrations: Latina/o Studies: Latino studies
  • Research Interests: Chicanx/Latinx literature and culture, creative writing, Chicana feminist thought and history of Los Angeles