Astronomy and Space Sciences Ph.D. (Ithaca)

Field of Study

Astronomy and Space Sciences

Program Description

The goal of the graduate program in Astronomy is to provide the foundation of a future career whether it be in the specific field of Astronomy and Space Sciences or in some other quantitative, scientific discipline. The first two years of your education is directed towards training in the broad inclusive knowledge of the field of Astronomy and Space Sciences through classwork, seminars, colloquia and consultation with faculty. You will gain experience communicating your ideas verbally and in written form. The background you acquire will provide a strong basis to begin conducting research in a more specialized area of interest. It is expected that the third year of the program will bring the full-fledged research experience where you will acquire expert knowledge in several areas and learn how to grapple with problems bringing all your resources to bear to solve them. Through the remainder of the graduate program, you will hone your professional scientific skills and carry out original, publishable research.

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 607 255-3727

104 Space Sciences Building
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY  14853

Concentrations by Subject

  • astrobiology
  • astronomy
  • astrophysics
  • astrostatistics
  • cosmology
  • data science
  • exoplanets
  • instrumentation
  • planetary sciences
  • space sciences [general]
  • theoretical astrophysics


Visit the Graduate School's Tuition Rates page.

Application Requirements and Deadlines

Application Deadlines:

Fall, Dec. 15; no spring admission

Requirements Summary:

Applicants should have a strong background in astronomy, astrophysics, electrical engineering, engineering physics, mathematics, or physics.

Learning Outcomes

  • Conduct original, publishable research in the field.
  • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge across at least two sub-disciplines.
  • Demonstrate state-of-the art knowledge of one area.
  • Write effectively for professional audiences.
  • Speak effectively to professional and lay audiences.