Respond to an Offer

On or before your decision date, you should verbally inform the employer of your decision. Follow up with a well-written confirmation letter.

Accepting an Offer

Express your enthusiasm to be joining the organization, and reiterate salary, start date, and position title. Specify when you will meet any conditions of employment, such as completing a medical exam or providing required documents.

Sample Acceptance Letter

634 Oak Avenue
Ithaca, New York 14850
April 30, 2010

Peggy Hayward, Director of Marketing
Associated Shops
312 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10122

Dear Ms. Hayward:

I am pleased to confirm my acceptance of your offer to join Associated Shops as Assistant Product Manager. As we discussed in our telephone conversation yesterday, I will begin work on June 15 at an annual salary of $58,750 and will complete a medical examination before the start date. I look forward to receiving a written confirmation of the offer and benefits package.

In the event that you need to contact me before June 15, please note that I can be reached at 914-555-3210 from May 30 through June 14.

Thank you again for your consideration and help during the interview process. I greatly appreciated your informative and personal approach.

Sincerely yours,

Marla Linsky

Declining an Offer

Thank the employer for extending you an offer. Explain that you are accepting an offer that better matches your needs or desires at this time. Keep the door open for future associations with the firm.

Sample Declining Letter

321 Buffalo Street
Ithaca, New York 14850

March 28, 2010

Barry Boscone
Research and Development Director
Triton Industries
1234 Eastman Avenue
Rochester, New York 13688

Dear Mr. Boscone:

Thank you very much for offering me the position of Researcher at Triton Industries. After considering this opportunity carefully, I have made a difficult decision not to accept your offer. I believe that at this point in my career another position I have been offered fits more closely with my career interests and goals.

It was a pleasure meeting you and members of your staff. I appreciate the time you spent with me and the consideration you extended to me.

Sincerely yours,

David Squires